The majority of travelers I’ve might who did or planned to got to El Salvador were usually making plans for the Pacific Coast, which was globally renown as a good surf spot with huge waves. So I felt I should check it out. Why not? Since the country is small nothing is far away. Small but with a high concentration of things that warrant your attention. Coatepeque Lake, which was about 30KMs away was definitely one of these things.



Coatepeque Lake isn’t the only volcanic crater that’s worth checking out around here



El Tunco seems to be where the waves are preferential for surfers (experienced ones). As a result I think it’s become the most popular/touristy spot on the coast. And because of this, people come whether or not they’re surfers. Despite the fact that the beach in El Tunco is made up of boulders (no sand !). I’m not sure most people know that before they make it here. For that reason I made aim for El Zonte which I had heard has walkable beaches that were worth exploring.