When I tell people about my journey, I often get asked ”Are you going to Ushuaia?” (the southern most city in the world). Although my trip has often been challenging, I have always seen it as a journey not a challenge. I began this trip to discover, learn, grow and have fun. Not to go somewhere to be able to say I did it. With that being said, when I arrived in Calafate I was initially thinking I would keep going further south (Torres del Paine, Puerto Natal Etc.). But when I found out how expensive things were and that the weather would be miserable, I knew my time in Patagonia was done. So I booked a flight to Buenos Aires. A perfect city to explore and enjoy while I figure out/wait for my next move
I really enjoyed the lively energy of downtown Buenos Aires (where my hostel was). Even though walking the main streets was almost sensory overload. After a few days I was due for a re-calibration that only nature can provide
Buenos Aires is a pretty diverse city with many cool neighborhoods that are worth visiting. The colorful, art and dance filled neighborhood of La Boca might be the coolest
And that was the end of my journey bicycling the Americas.
If you would like to hear some of my reflections on completing my journey bicycling from Canada to Southern Argentina you can do so by listening to some of the podcasts I recorded after completing the journey (my favorites are higher in the list):
Podcast Episodes
Nobodies are Somebodies with Chad Vice : http://nobodiesaresomebodies.libsyn.com/episode-0000115-xavier-himma-returns-dave-gordon-live-ridgerockbrewingco
World Wanderers with Ryan & Amanda Fergusson : http://traffic.libsyn.com/theworldwanderers/Edit_Xavier_-_7-15-19_4.41_PM.mp3
Living Unconventionally Podcast with Chris Pyak: http://livingunconventionally.com/220-xavier-takes-the-bike-all-the-way-to-argentina/
Wanderlearn Podcast with Francis Tapon: https://francistapon.com/Work/WanderLearn-Podcast/Biking-The-Americas-From-Canada-To-Patagonia